Wednesday, October 8, 2008

money isn't everything

I'm sitting here at my desk with my most recent statement from one of my investment companies, and contemplating the state of my finances as is probably everyone who has put money away over the years. I guess I am lucky to have money saved.....even if there is a lot less of it on paper than there was a month ago and I am seriously wondering how I am going to help educate my almost college bound senior. It's funny though, even though there have been times in my life when I have had more money, or less money, I have worried about money the same way all my life and I am wondering why? I mean really, if you have people to love (and some even love you back), have food to eat, and have shelter from the elements, is there really anything much worrying about? I said to one of the attorney's that I work with yesterday morning who is totally obsessed with the stock market, "Joe, I have a picture for you when you have time to look at my computer screen, I just wanted to point out to you that no matter what is happening with the stock market, the sun still rises every single morning". Not sure if he took the time to look at my screen but I am guessing not. One thing I am certain about is that there is magic in the world........around every turn........if we are just paying attention. And, if I hadn't been paying attention as I was backing out of my driveway yesterday I might just have missed this gorgeous spectacle completely. All the money in the world cannot purchase something as beautiful as this.


Stu and Andrea Flannery said...

OMG - you know you take the best pictures! I am stealing this to use as my background on my computer. Isn't God wonderful to create such beauty for us to experience. Beauty like that gives me goose bumps.

I love you and miss you so much!!

Heather said...

Hey sister! I loved reading this today, because money isn't everything. Resourcefulness is everything. Somehow, everything will turn out alright. Especially since you have all this good karma going on.

I miss you! It was great talking to you yesterday. Sorry I was busy ranting and raving about 5 page letter. fna! Anyway, I have some pretty awesome ideas to share with you. I'm tempted to call you because I'm home with no surveillance cameras watching.

Love you, you are the best sister in the whole freaking universe!

Big big hugs,
